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     Any English word we use is one of the eight parts of speech. Understanding the Parts of Speech is laying foundation of learning English grammar. To understand any concept in English grammar, we need to understand parts of speech. It is the most important aspect of English grammar which can not be skipped or overlooked.

I. Noun
A noun is the name of a person, place or thing (idea too).
Vishal lives in Karimnagar. (Vishal is the name of a person and Karimnagar is the name of a place)
Knowledge is power. (Knowledge and power are the names of ideas)

II. Pronoun
A pronoun is a word used instead of a noun. Instead of using the noun repeatedly we use the pronoun. For example, Tharun is a clever student. He scored good marks in English. In the second sentence, we use he instead of Tharun. I, we, you. he, she, it, they, which, who, that etc,. are pronouns we use in place of nouns.

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III. Adjective
An adjective is a word that qualifies a noun or pronoun. It tells something about the noun or pronoun in the sentence. They are sitting in a large room. The word large tells how the room is. Divya is sad. The word sad describes how Divya is. Adjectives are not always used before the nouns.

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IV. Verb
A verb is an action or state. It is the main part of the sentence. In the sentence, Arun is writing a letter, writing is the main action and is is the helping verb which tells the tense of the sentence. To know the list of helping verbs and their agreement with pronouns, click the following link:
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V. Adverb
An adverb is a word that qualifies a verb, an adjective or another adverb. Observe the following sentences:
1. The old man was walking slowly.
2. The rose is a very beautiful flower.
3. The boy is running very fast.
In the sentence 1 the word slowly tells how the old man was walking, it qualifies the verb walking. In the sentence 2 the word very qualifies the adjective beautiful. In the sentence 3 the word very qualifies the adverb fast which qualifies the verb running.

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VI. Preposition
A preposition is a word placed before a noun. It shows in what relation that noun stands to the other part of the sentence. For instance, in the sentence, The pencil is on the book, the preposition on tells the relation between the pencil and the book.

VII. Conjunction
A conjunction is a word that joins two words, two phrases or two sentences of the same category. Look at the following sentences:
1. Shiva and Krishna played chess.
2. Shalini wore a black and white sari.
3. Rajashekahar is rich but he is honest.
4. They will buy a new house and a new car.
In the sentences 1 and 2 the word and is used to join two words- Shiva and Krishna are nouns; black and white are adjectives. The sentence 3 has two clauses(sentences) joined by the word but. In the sentence 4 the conjunction and joins two phrases-- a new house and a new car.

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VIII. Interjection
An interjection is a word that expresses a sudden feeling/an emotion(sorrowful or joyful). Hurray! we have won the race. In this sentence, the word, Hurray, is a joyful emotion. In the sentence, Alas, he lost everything, the word, Alas, is a sorrowful emotion.

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