(Though these kinds of exercises are designed
for the students appearing for INTERMEDIATE (Junior) Examination in Telangana,
India,they are also very useful for those appearing for competitive
examinations. On the whole, they are useful for the aspirants of learning
English )
This is the Key to:
Fill in any Eight blanks with a, an or the.
Exercise 1
Fill in any Eight blanks with a, an or the. 8
× ½ =4
i) With a(1)
satisfied expression he regarded the(2)
field of ripe corn with its flowers, draped in a curtain of rain. But suddenly a(3) strong wind began to blow and
along with the(4) rain very
large hailstones began to fall. These truly did resemble new silver coins. The(5) boys, exposing themselves
to the rain, ran out to collect the(6)
frozen pearls.
ii) I knew that the(7)
oppressor must be liberated just as surely as the(8) oppressed. A(9)
man who takes away another man’s freedom is a prisoner of hatred; he is locked
behind the(10) bars of
prejudice and narrow-mindedness.
Exercise 2
Fill in any Eight blanks with a, an or the. 8
× ½ =4
i) It was only when I began to learn that my boyhood freedom was an(1) illusion, when I
discovered as a young man that my freedom had already been taken from me, that
I began to hunger for it. At first, as a(2)
student, I wanted freedom only for myself, the(3)
transitory freedoms of being able to stay out at night, read what I pleased and
go where I chose.
ii) The(4) sun
was now ascending the(5) sky,
blazing on his ledge that faced the south. He felt the heat because he had not
eaten since the(6) previous
iii) “We have an(7)
Indian legend too. Bodhidharma, an(8)
ancient Buddhist ascetic, cut off his eyelids because he felt sleepy during
meditations. Ten tea plants grew out of the(9)
eyelids. The(10) leaves of
these plants when put in hot water and drunk banished sleep.
Exercise 3
Fill in any Eight blanks with a, an or the. 8
× ½ =4
i) It was the(1)
slack time of day, and there were only six or seven passengers on the(2) bus. They were all
looking at Valli and laughing with the(3)
conductor. Valli was overcome with shyness. Avoiding everyone’s eyes, she
walked quickly to an(4) empty
seat and sat down.
ii) Kisa Gotami had an(5)
only son, and he died. In her grief she carried the(6) dead child to all her neighbours, asking them for
medicine, and the(7) people
said, “She has lost her senses. The(8)
boy is dead.”
iii) At length, Kisa Gotami met a(9) man who replied to her request, “I cannot give thee
medicine for thy child, but I know a(10)
physician who can.”
Exercise 4
Fill in any Eight blanks with a, an or the. 8
× ½ =4
i) I was still a(1)
thief when I met Anil. And though only 15, I was an(2) experienced and fairly successful hand.
ii) Anil was watching a(3)
wrestling match when I approached him. He was about 25 — a(4) tall, lean fellow — and he looked easy-going, kind and
simple enough for my purpose. I hadn’t had much luck of late and thought I
might be able to get into the(5)
young man’s confidence.
iii) Fifteen years ago, Horace had served his first and only
sentence in a(6) prison
library. He loved rare, expensive books. So he robbed a(7) safe every year. Each year he planned carefully just
what he would do, stole enough to last for twelve months, and secretly bought the(8) books he loved through an(9) agent.
iv) John saw Shivaji for the(10)
first time.
Exercise 5
8. Fill
in any Eight blanks with a, an or the. 8
× ½ =4
i) The(1)
arrival of a(2) stranger at an(3) inn in winter was in any
case an(4) unusual event. A(5) stranger of such uncommon
appearance set all tongues wagging. Mrs Hall, the(6) landlord’s wife, made every effort to be friendly.
But Griffin had no desire to talk, and told her, “My reason for coming to Iping
is a(7) desire for solitude.
I do not wish to be disturbed in my work. Besides, an(8) accident has affected my face.”
ii) Pope is the(9)
most important, though not the greatest, poet of the(10) eighteenth century.
Exercise 6
Fill in any Eight blanks with a, an or the. 8
× ½ =4
i) Bholi was seven years old when Mangla was married. The(1) same year a(2) primary school for girls
was opened in their village. The(3)
Tehsildar sahib came to perform its opening ceremony. He said to Ramlal,
“As a(4) revenue official you
are the(5) representative of the(6) government in the(7) village and so you must
set an(8) example to the
villagers. You must send your daughters to school.”
ii) With fourteen companions he crosses the(9) sea. There is an(10)
excellent bit of ocean poetry.
ConversionConversion EmoticonEmoticon