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(Though these kinds of exercises are designed for the students appearing for INTERMEDIATE (Junior) Examination in Telangana, India, they are also very useful for those appearing for competitive examinations. On the whole, they are useful for the aspirants of learning English )


Fill in any Eight blanks with suitable prepositions.
Key to the following exercises:

Exercise 1
9. Fill in any Eight blanks with suitable prepositions.                                            8 × ½ = 4
i) Days passed and the baby birds became big birds. One day, the king of the country came ____(1) the forest to hunt. He saw a deer and rode ____(2) it. It ran deep ____ (3) the forest followed by the king. Soon the king lost his way and didn’t know where he was.
ii) The king was amazed. He looked up and saw a big, brown bird ____ (4) the tree ____ (5) which he was sitting. He also heard faint noises issuing ____ (6) the cave. He quickly got on to his horse and rode away as fast as he could.
iii) Looking straight ____ (7) the eyes ____ (8) his guest, the shepherd replied, “Thank you, Your Majesty, ____ (9) paying me the compliment ____ (10) a visit.”

Exercise 2

9. Fill in any Eight blanks with suitable prepositions.                                            8 × ½ = 4
i) “Welcome, Sir,” he said to the king. “Please come inside and make yourself ____ (1) home. You look tired. Rest ____ (2) a while. Then you can share my food.
ii)” The wife went away, and the farmer, having nothing ____ (3) do ____ (4) the house, decided to go out and take a look ____ (5) his fields not far away. He ran ____ (6) some friends ____ (7) the way back and didn’t return ____ (8) quite some time.
iii) His wife was furious and she dived in to hide herself ____ (9) the bottom ____ (10) the river leaving the little ones to pester their father.

Exercise 3
9. Fill in any Eight blanks with suitable prepositions.                                            8 × ½ = 4
i) Though poor and uneducated, this shepherd was very wise. He understood people’s sorrows and troubles, and helped them face their problems ____ (1) courage and common sense. Many people came ___ (2) him ____ (3) advice. Soon he became famous ____ (4) his wisdom and friendly nature. The king ____ (5) that country heard ____ (6) him, and thought ____ (7) meeting him.

ii) The king was astonished as well as pleased. ‘He is indeed very wise.’ he thought to himself. ‘I need people like him ____ (8) work ____ (9) me.’ And the king appointed this humble shepherd the governor ____ (10) a small district.

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11 February 2023 at 18:47 ×

you should add more like that.

Congrats bro rezaulislam26 you got PERTAMAX...! hehehehe...